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Manos Del Mar, Mexico

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“It was urgent in 2017, after the earthquake of September 7th, as a way to seek to reactivate the economy and promote the textile tradition.Made up of artisans from the community of San Mateo del Mar. The project seeks to disseminate and sell the community's textiles, where the identity and worldview of the Ikoots are reflected through the iconography of the textiles, with the intention of revaluing our culture. Likewise, the participatory work of those who make up the project is encouraged and at the same time the generation of fair jobs within the community, thus benefiting Ikoots families.” Source. Manos Del Mar Website.

Manos Del Mar, Mexico: Collaboration Agreement Model. Free Open Source
*A thank you to Manos del Mar and its artisans for their consent and willingness to share their knowledge.*

Homún, Yucatan, Mexico

"Yucatan Cenote Ring Geohydrological Reserve" located in the Municipality of Homún, where a pig farm is currently located called "Pork Food Production" Rural Production Societ Llc. of Variable Capital with the objective of proving the existence of Mayan communities with historical continuity in the municipality of Homún, with cultural practices specific, as well as the relationship that said community has with its territory and some of its main elements such as water and cenotes. Likewise, this dictamen identifies the social impact that this project generates for the indigenous Mayan community of Homún. Having said the above, having accepted and protested the position conferred, the “dictamen” proceed to answer the questions offered by the parts .The water of the cenotes is considered purifying and healing, it is guarded owners of the mountain, deities or virgins. It is a place of access to the underworld and presence of snakes is part of the associated mythology. For all this, since the People are a living entity with memory, they are sacred and respectful places.

Dictamen Homun, Mexico. Free Open Source   pdf

San Pablo Tijaltepec, Mexico

In the face of cultural heritage declaratioms and fashion industry grapples with the intricacies of cultural appropiation and the imperative to respect and recognize the origins and designs of the community. Community requested a “Dicatmen” to be prepared by INAH.

Dictamen San Pablo Tijaltepec, Mexico. Free Open Source  pdf

Tlahuitotepec, Mexico

In the face of legal battles, cultural heritage declarations, and government accusations, the fashion industry grapples with the intricacies of cultural appropriation and the imperative to respect and recognize the origins of designs. Community requested a “Dicatmen” to be prepared by INAH.

Dicatamen requested by Tlahuitotepec, Mexico. Free Open Source   pdf

*Documents have been granted free open source  by National Institute of Anthropology and History INAH. Dictamen: TK & TCE IP.

Narratives of Rural Empty Spain