Manufacturing & Transformation

As a foundation, CADA seeks to challenge the current standards of manufacturing and production in creative and artistic industries. Some of these manufacturing processes that seek to involve the communities CADA works with, call for a tighter audit of intention and ethics— to see where the ‘support’ really filters into. This is why CADA exists– to perform this audit as it simultaneously creates, along with the communities, a better approach and standard for these same communities to be guided by in the global market.

CADA, in its transformation of these processes, provides the requested support while avoiding the potential loss of local identities. It also fosters the communities’ ownership and reinforcement of their local identity and perspective through the suggestion of social design practices.

Some processes involve sharing tools that allow for the creation and production of artifacts that could then be integrated into a globalized market for as long as the artisans are mutually interested in doing so.

Instead of activism and ‘providing help’,
it is co-creation, the mutual exchange of information, and generating a dialogue between different forms of design practices.

01 Research & Documentation

02 Case Studies

03 Manufacturing & Transformation

04 Legal & Anthropological Support

05 Current Collaborations

06 References & Dissemination

07 Multimedia, References & Sources

CADA Foundation, is a public charity foundation under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (c) (3), registered in the state of New York. Donors can deduct contributions they make under IRC Section 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi) . CADA is also a member of the UNESCO Sustainability Chair in Barcelona, Spain. Its team is composed of dedicated individuals who have strong interest and concern towards the future of heritage, identity, and local value.
